Easiest Way to Make Tasty venison burger topped with sweet onions with aside of sweet potato mash with sweet corn

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

venison burger topped with sweet onions with aside of sweet potato mash with sweet corn.

venison burger topped with sweet onions with aside of sweet potato mash with sweet corn You can cook venison burger topped with sweet onions with aside of sweet potato mash with sweet corn using 5 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of venison burger topped with sweet onions with aside of sweet potato mash with sweet corn

  1. You need of venison bugers.
  2. It's of onion.
  3. Prepare of sweet potatoes.
  4. It's of corn on the cob.
  5. It's of of mixed salad.

venison burger topped with sweet onions with aside of sweet potato mash with sweet corn instructions

  1. peal sweet potatoes cut to small pieces boils in water for about 10mins on high med setting until soft. cut 1 red onion into small slices heat up oil in frying pan add onions add tea spon of honey before they brown remove from heat. heat up pan or goerge forman grill place bugers and turn every 2 mins cook for 6 mins put cone on the cop in pan with warm water and steam for 4 mins till soft..
  2. plate up put buger on plate cone onthe cob to plate mash sweet potato after removing water add scope of butter and mix then scope onto plate and salad with choice of dressing.